2. Start with a half gallon mason jar and fill it about 3/4 full with vodka. Add in the lemon zest. Since we use a lemon or two each day, we add the zest in one at a time and mark a piece of masking tape on the jar to count each addition.
3. Once you hit the zest of 20 lemons, put the jar away in a dark pantry and forget about it. Every time you remember, give it a shake. Let it sit for at least a month, but if you forget it for 6 months, no worries.
4. When you're ready to bottle it, filter the lemon zest out through cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer.
5. Make a simple syrup by bringing 1 cup of water to a boil, and then adding in 1 cup of sugar. Stir until dissolved, and allow to cool.
6. Add the simple syrup back into the filtered limoncello. This is why you only filled the jar 3/4 of the way, now the syrup will fit.
7. Give it a shake, and cap it up.
8. At this point, you can drink it but it's better if you give it a month for the flavors to mellow.
Limoncello can be kept in the freezer, and it's best served ice cold in a small glass, or added to drinks as a mixer.